A statement from the CSL Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee

“Find me one person who is for something and against nothing, who is redeemed enough not to condemn others out of the burden of his soul … .” — Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder, Science of Mind

Ernest Holmes suggests that any time we fight or resist something, we only cause it to grow and fester. However, what we resist persists, and more violence could result. Humans tend to take sides in conflicts, creating stories about which side is right and which side is wrong based on their personal beliefs. When this happens, there is no room to see nuance, and we fail to understand suffering is not limited to one side. Rather than declaring what we are against, let us be firm about what we stand for.

We stand for people. All people have the right to exist in freedom, to have a home, to have food and to walk safely to school. All people have the right to live in peace and harmony. All people have the right to self-determination.

We stand for peace, the power at the heart of Divine Source. We visualize peace in the world. We can see peaceful activities in all parts of the world. We can create a spiritual chain reaction for peace. We stand for love. Love is compassionate, kind, forgiving and holds no rancor. Love is the all-encompassing power for good in the universe.

When we stand for something, we do not stand by and do nothing. We can engage in the most powerful practice of all — affirmative prayer — to create the atmosphere to work toward what we stand for. Affirmative prayer is not inaction, ignorance or spiritual bypass.

However, prayer is not enough. We must also act in the world to create positive change. To create a world that works for all, we must understand the world, not hide from it. Let’s partner with organizations doing good work in the world and educate ourselves on global issues. Holmes wrote that when praying, “[Everyone] must bring themself to a place in mind where there is no misfortune, no calamity, no accident, no trouble or no confusion: where there is nothing but plenty, peace, power, Life and Truth.”

We offer this powerful five-step spiritual practice of sacred activism:

  1. We sit in the stillness, in the silence, and allow our thoughts and emotions to bring up the intense feeling of love.
  2. We stay with this feeling of love until it envelops our being.
  3. We engage our imagination and see this energy of love surrounding those places where it is needed.
  4. We express gratitude for the love and peace that is now present in our world.
  5. We turn this love and gratitude into action in ways that bring about positive change.

Let us affirm together:

  • I am a vessel of peace and love.
  •  I choose to radiate compassion, understanding and kindness in all my interactions.
  • My heart is open, my mind is calm, and my spirit is at peace.
  • I attract love, harmony and unity into my life.
  • I spread these gifts to those around me.
  • I am rooted and grounded in love.

CSL Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement (SMSE) Committee

  • Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith, Spiritual Leader
  • Dr. Sunshine Michelle Coleman, Co-Chair
  • Ayodele McClenney, RScP, Co-Chair
  • Dr. Mike McMorrow
  • Rev. Beth Linguri
  • Luisa Rivera, RScP
  • Rev. Obakeng Gaitate