Truly, our self-realization of the Power within us now is the beginning of the greatest adventure of our lives. So tremendous is such a realization that it automatically fires the imagination and the will to action. ~ Ernest Holmes
What is this Power within and how do we ignite it? The answers begin with our understanding of the nature of God, the Universe, ourselves, and our place in it. Recognizing the Power that is the creative force behind all life and realizing that it is the life force within each of us, is the ground from which we expand into an unlimited, joy-filled, and meaningful life.
From that ground, we burst into a year of Igniting the Power Within in every area of our lives. From personal relationships to physical healing, from creativity to manifestation, from abundance to success, we can learn to use this Power. We apply this Power we have ignited through the tools and techniques of spiritual living, along with the mystical awareness of Oneness. Meditation and consciousness, science and psychology, ancient spirituality and new thought, all come together to help us stay ignited each and every day.
Along the way, this year, we will see how the teachings of Jesus and Buddha show us more about this Power and how to ignite it for our greater good while truly expanding into our Cosmic Self. As we ignite the power of our minds and spark the passion of hearts, we are aligning our whole selves with the Power to create greater good in the world
We lit up our Sanctuary and kicked off 2018 with a powerful ritual to Ignite the Power Within at our annual New Year’s Burning Bowl. Three more Ignite Events are planned throughout the year in which we will continue to Ignite the Power Within by cracking the Cosmic Egg, by enthusiastically Firing-Up our Game of Life, and by participating in a real Fire Walk! You won’t want to miss a single one.
2018 is the year we break out of whatever shell we’ve been hiding in! 2018 is the year we crack open the shell of fear and determine the course of our own future. 2018 is the year we burst forth into the Power of who we came here to be. 2018 is the year we Ignite the Power of Love and Light within each of us and spread it all over the world. 2018 is THE year! Let’s bring it on TOGETHER!
Enthusiasm is a joyful trust in Life, a happy outlook, a complete assurance and confidence that there is a Power within us greater than we are that we may use. It should be our purpose to awaken this Joy in us again and enter into the game of living. ~ Ernest Holmes
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