Talking to Yourself

Talking to Yourself

“The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.” — Ralph Charell The way in which...

Rev Karen shares how deeply affected she was when a relationship ended and took away a child she came to love as her own. Now faced with a new granddaughter in her life some of the past stories have resurfaced.



“Do you have any idea how precious you are?  Do not criticize or condemn yourself.  Develop compassion for your own humanness.  Learn to love your faults; they can be your greatest teachers. ...
Supportive Self-Talk

Supportive Self-Talk

Change your self-talk into your biggest cheerleader and drown out all the internal negativity. While your parents did need to teach you something, you don’t need to keep listening to all that...