Inner Guidance

Inner Guidance

“One part of the mind is already in heaven, for there is a place in you and in me that is above confusion and fear, no matter how disturbed our thoughts may be. If we get quiet long enough and...
Learning to Listen to Intuition

Learning to Listen to Intuition

Are you listening to the intuition that wants to expand your ideas? Spiritual maturity often looks like allowing some of the values and attitudes you hold as truth to die. When you become set in...
Balance Between Your Head and Heart

Balance Between Your Head and Heart

Listen to your intuition; it is the perfect balance between your head and your heart. Do not simply rush off with your emotions. Do not try to figure everything out. Ask yourself a question. Listen...
Learn to Follow Yourself…

Learn to Follow Yourself…

“Become aware of those things within you that you love.  Follow them to your bliss.  Become aware of those things within you that you fear.  Follow them to your healing.  Learning to follow...