What is Stage 4 Consciousness?
Have you ever suddenly realize that Spirit is working through you at that moment? Watch as Dr Tracy Brown shares an out-of-body experience.
Have you ever suddenly realize that Spirit is working through you at that moment? Watch as Dr Tracy Brown shares an out-of-body experience.
Dr Tracy Brown explains how through stage 4 we begin to recognize that we are the portal in which the Universe operates. Watch as she uncovers what impact that this brings to the world.
Once we become more aware of how to manifest by using the Universal Law we can get caught up in overthinking the process and trying to control it somehow.
Do you trust that there is a place within you that knows what to do even when it seems impossible? Listen as Dr Petra explains more.
Life has changed in many ways for all of us. It can seem like an uncomfortable place in the 21st century.
But as Dr Petra explains with the 3rd stage of consciousness, it is also necessary for our growth.