I became a licensed Spiritual Practitioner in 1999 after 5 years of study and have loved every minute. My husband Charles took me to the center in OKC, I knew I found my church home and I began taking classes. My Journey at CSL Dallas began in 2001 and I enjoyed every minute, however in 2011 I decided to move to COL in Irving and help Rev. Lari grow her center, It has since closed. I am now back to my home center to be of assistance. I am looking forward to serving the Dallas community again and serving on the amazing Practitioner core. I have experienced these fellow Practitioners first hand as awesome prayer warriors and looking forward to getting to know the ones I don’t know yet.

Dark or light, we have a choice to stay in darkness or choose light. What is the truth? The truth as we perceive it may or may not be the truth. Enlightenment, I believe is to contemplate the facts and find the truth through meditation and prayer. Our life experiences, which at that moment may seem dark and full of chaos , however we are always at choice to shed the ego self and surrender to God for enlightenment, clarity and wisdom .I have had many experiences in my life to open to that spiritual awareness, which is deeper than the thinking mind. I believe when I surrender into this majestic quality of life, my transformational experiences will inform and change my life. If we are willing to view the dark night of the soul as a spiritual opportunity, an initiation into a new life, we can awaken to a new reality. My vision for myself is a state of permanent Self-realization so I can be one of the great awakeners of faith, love, compassion, and the recognition that we are more than our bodies. Prayer works, so make my day ask me to pray for you.