Jan Young

When I arrived at CSLDallas, I loved the message I heard because it resonated as Truth for me. What was also true was my joy at seeing the list of classes being offered. You see, I am a life long learner. I am curious; I am inquisitive; and I always want to know/learn more. I had just retired from a career in education and these Science of Mind classes intrigued me. I registered for Foundations and like a sponge, I soaked up the information. I wanted to learn more and as I continued to take classes, I began to contemplate the question “What would this world be like if everyone knew this information and began to apply these Principles in their daily lives?” It was then that I started to consider the idea of teaching and coaching others in Science of Mind Principles and practices. I received my Practitioner License in 2020, and my commitment now, as a Practitioner and Spiritual Coach, is to support, encourage, teach, and coach any who are seeking to live a life that works for them….a happy, successful, meaningful life full of love, joy, peace, creativity, beauty, and abundance.

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