Georgeann Moss

Georgeann has attended CSLDallas since 2010. She has served on the Adventures in Spirit Committee, the Greeters Team, the Events Committee and the Pastoral Care Team. 

Georgeann’s personal and professional passion is sustainability: ensuring that we leave the world better than we found it for our children and grandchildren. She believes the three pillars of sustainability – equity, the environment and the economy – must all be addressed to achieve a world that works for everyone.

She has been employed by a local college for more than 20 years. Her current position is Executive Administrator of Sustainability Outreach and Initiatives.

Georgeann has been happily married to King for more than 25 years. They have three sons, three daughters-in law and three grandchildren.  

She is grateful for all the spiritual tools that CSLDallas gives her, but especially loves the concept of affirmative prayer.