I was the kid in catechism that got sent out in the hall and had my hand slapped with the ruler because I was asking inappropriate questions like, “How can God put all these people in hell who’ve never even heard of Jesus?”
I ran away from home at 15, which is also when I started doing drugs and drinking alcohol. I was living with a foster family, whom I credit for saving my life. I was then sent to an alternative school because I was a “problem”. But here’s the miracle – that school activated within me a deep love for education and academics, so when the world called me a “problem, ” – Life awakened in me the beginning of a calling.
During that time, I got ahold of a book, The Nature of Personal Reality, by Seth (Jane Roberts). I read that book cover to cover three times in a row. What was surprising, in hindsight, is that nothing about it was surprising. That book activated an unquenchable thirst for Truth.
I graduated from high school a year early in Philadelphia. My main goal was to get as far away from there as I could, so I went to college at the University of Washington, where I got stoned every day and hence, flunked out in my first year. I left school and decided to become a real estate agent at 18 years old. Alone and seriously demotivated, I became suicidally depressed.
Read More Slowly but surely the walls started to come down and I began to feel connected to the people there. The Science of Mind classes became my recovery from substance abuse, and once again saved my life. I went to classes four nights a week. Whatever they were doing on Saturday – I was there. Whatever they were doing on Sunday – I was there. At nineteen years old, I became the teen advisor and a Practitioner. Without missing a beat, I applied for the ministerial training in Los Angeles, three times. They said, “No”, three times. They said I was too young and needed to come back when I was 45 or 50 and I’d had a life. I said to the Dean, “You don’t understand. I’m going to be a minister of the Science of Mind. It saved my life and I’m going to help others.” Since I was told no, I decided to open a school in Seattle with Dr. Jim and others. Once again, I was told, “You can’t do that.” I said, “Watch me.” And that’s exactly what we did. I graduated ministerial school at 24 years old and started my own community in Renton, Washington, just south of Seattle. I grew it from 4 to 125 people in seven years. The teen program was my pride and joy. I’ve always attracted the ones that felt disenfranchised, I’m sure because that was my experience too. Give me a room full of teens with blue hair, tattoos, piercings, and an edgy attitude and for some reason I feel at home. Most people almost kill themselves trying to be “normal” and fit in, I sure did. I found it sad and incredibly debilitating. I burnt out of that first ministry (why I’m not interested in ministering or church in any traditional sense anymore). Truth be told, my leaving was kind of a nightmare. I still had some unhealed shadows from my past, which meant I still had a way to go until the Principles I knew and loved, and taught, were reflected more fully in my life. This was really heartbreaking, but I learned a lot from that experience, which I will not call a failure, nor will I ever call anything in your life a failure either. I retreated to my cabin in the woods in the Cascade Mountains. I had my son, Jason, while I was living in that glorious wilderness, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make ends meet well enough to take care of him. I called my mother and I said, “Can I come home? I need help.” I moved to Texas, where she and my stepfather were living, and I went back to school. I started attending CSLDallas but kept myself pretty unavailable due to my parenting and school obligations. But the minister who was there at the time left, so I stepped in for the interim. They were down to 20 people and 50k in debt. Within the year, we paid off the debt, put money in the bank, and I helped tee them up to hire a new minister. The new minister was there for two and a half years and then she left. I stepped in again with the intention to help them get out of the hole and ready for their next minister, but against all my protesting, I was getting a clear nudge from within (and without) that this was my job. I couldn’t imagine this would be possible because raising Jason was my #1 priority, which meant I was not available past 2:30 in the afternoons and no more than one evening a week. I presented my conditions certain they would say “no” and then it would be off the table. Well… they said “yes” and I said “yes” and here I am today. My friends wondered what I was doing in Dallas, as I was a proud mountain girl. In one conversation with a friend, these words floated right out of my mouth – “I’m being obedient to my call and I loved the people. This is where the work is.” – and I’ve never looked back. When I reflect upon that young, teenage girl who ran away with no plan whatsoever I think, “Wow, she was fearless. I see a girl who was so thirsty for Truth and meaning – and I see a girl who found it.” My passion for Truth and finding ways to help others live from theirs continues to grow. It seems there’s no limit to it.
What I really want you to know about me is
If you’re new here, please know this … at CSL Dallas, you will find a place where you can explore and be yourself. You can let down your guard and be unafraid because we will walk with you.
Finally, what I want you to know, from my heart to yours is this … if I can do it, so can you. Truly, so can you!
Professional Bio Serving as Spiritual Leader of CSLDallas since 1998, Rev Dr Petra Weldes is a powerful, gifted speaker and teacher whose visionary role has created a dynamic spiritual community in Dallas, empowering and transforming lives. In her over 30 years of ministry, her purpose has always been transformation and her mission is to grow people, communities, and ideas. A highly regarded, deeply admired teacher, Dr Petra engages students with her interactive style providing a safe, sacred environment for personal growth and exploration. Her deep wisdom, wealth of knowledge, humility as well as humor, guides students into journeys of awakening to their unique expression and creative and joyful potential. An elegant, powerful speaker, her ability to translate seemingly complex and confusing life issues into concise and clear messages Dr Petra has co-authored three journals with Rev Dr Christian Sorenson, Joyous Freedom, Joyous Living, and Joyous Abundance. She has been published in numerous local and national publications, including as a regular contributor to the international Science of Mind Magazine and FYI50 Magazine in Dallas, TX. Petra is a popular speaker at local events and conferences. In her 30+ years of ministry she has led workshops, conferences, spiritual retreats, and seminars on a local, national and international level, too numerous to mention. Long interested and involved in organizational and leadership development Dr Petra has led board trainings, leadership trainings, growth seminars, managing volunteers, and effective communication seminars for non-profits and spiritual communities all over the country. Dr Petra Weldes is actively involved in interfaith projects in the Dallas community having served as Vice Chair for the DFW Interfaith Coalition for the bid to host the 2014 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas, member of Dallas Hunger Task Force, Dallas Child Care Coalition, and the Interfaith Council of the North Texas Food Bank. She has also served as Co-Chair of the Season for Non-Violence, Chair of the World Peace Day, been a member of the Interfaith Council of Thanks-Giving Square, and currently serves as an Advisor to the Association for Global New Thought. In addition, Dr Petra has spoken at numerous interfaith conferences and served on various local interfaith panels. Dr Petra has authored 16 course curriculums on Spirituality, Meditation, and Emerson, the Bible and New Thought, Spirit-based Leadership and other related subjects, which are used locally and nationally. She has served as regional Facility, Interim Dean, and Hosting Dean of the Holmes Institute for the United Centers for Spiritual Living in both Dallas and Seattle, teaching over a dozen courses in the Ministerial Training Program. She has taught over 50 different curricula to students at all levels of spiritual education, at the Master’s Level in accredited DETC Passionate about children and teens, Dr Petra has had extensive involvement with the youth movement in various Communities, Conferences and regional Youth Camps throughout her ministry. Knowing and believing in who children are changes everything in shaping their lives and guiding their future. This has been the touchstone of her service with youth. As a Youth Group Leader for fifteen years, her work was specifically geared towards teens. She ran camps which dealt with bullying, abuse at home and peer pressure issues providing powerful tools for As Chair of the United Centers for Spiritual Living (UCSL) Youth and Family Ministries Committee (1996-1998), she wrote a full year Peace Curriculum for ages 3 through High School as well as a year long Virtues Project Curriculum which were both used nationally throughout the United Centers for Spiritual Living communities. Previously, Dr Petra served as the Founding and Senior Minister of the Abundant Life Center in Renton, WA (1984-1990). In addition, Rev. Petra served as a faculty member of the Ernest Holmes College in Seattle, WA (1986-1993). She recently served as Chair of the United Centers for Spiritual Living CORE Council and past Chair of the UCSL Nominating Team. She has also served on the Move Core for UCSL purchasing a building and moving its head-quarters to Denver, CO. In addition, she has served as Chair of the Education Committee, CSL Convention Committee and on the Integration Bylaws and ODM Teams as well as twice as a regional Ecclesiastical Representative for UCSL in the Texas and South regions. Dr Petra received the coveted “Ernest Holmes Award” from Centers for Spiritual Living (2017) along with an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the Holmes Institute (2004). She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the University of Dallas in Irving, TX (1996) where she defended her independent studies thesis “with distinction” and graduated summa cum laude. Petra was the first Constantine Scholar in over 10 years at the University of Dallas. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Metaphysical Philosophy from the Ernest Holmes College in Seattle, WA (1984). Dr Petra began her ministry in 1984 and received Ordination in 1988.
invites the audience into deeper levels of understanding of their being and engagement in the world by igniting the change within.
Masters Programs and to CEOs and Executives from all over the country.
teens to engage in a different way in the world so violence no longer played a role in their lives.
Curriculum Vitae Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes Resume and Curriculum Vitae Professional Experience Licenses and Degrees Positions of Merit Recognitions of Distinction Publications Curriculum Personally Developed and Presented Masters of Consciousness Curriculum Adult Education Curriculum UCSL Teen Curriculum Bachelors of Philosophy and Religious Science Fellow Curriculum Level Two Practical Applications History / Philosophy Level Three
Dallas TX
1998 – Present – Sr. Minister/Spiritual Director, CSLDallas, a Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas, TX
2013-2015 – Founder and Executive Director, Spiritual Living Radio Network, www.SLRN.fm
2004-2009 – Host and Faculty, Holmes Institute, Denver Region, Dallas, Satellite
1993-1998 – Interim and Staff Minister, Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas TX
1989-1990 – Interim Dean, Ernest Holmes College, Seattle, WA
1988-1994 – Faculty, Ernest Holmes College, Seattle, WA
1984-1990 – Founding and Sr. Minister, Abundant Life Center, Renton WA
2014 – Earnest Holmes Award, Centers for Spiritual Living
2004 – Honorary Doctor of Divinity, Homes Institute
1996 – Constantine Scholar, Bachelor of Humanities, University of Dallas (summa cum laude)
1st Constantine Scholar in 10 years, created interdisciplinary program
culminating in masters level thesis: “The Romantic Turn.” Defended with Distinction
1988 – Ordination as a Minister of Religious Science, United Church of Religious Science
1984 – Bachelor of Philosophy and Religious Science Fellow, Ernest
Holmes College, Northwest Campus (summa cum laude)
1980 – Practitioner License, United Church of Religious Science
1979 – Leadership Skills Institute, Level 1 & 2
1978 – Real Estate License, Washington State
2018- 2020 – Member CSL Lifelong Learning Steering Committee; Chair, CSL LLST Content
Review; CSL Executive Director Search Committee
2016 – current – Faith Forward of Dallas
2015 – Present – Chair, CSL Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee; Member CSL
Lifelong Learning Steering Committee; Chair, LLST Content Review
2014 – 2017 – CSL Ministerial Training Sub-Committee Member, Education Committee Chair
and Member, Life Long Learning Committee Member
2011 – 2013 – Member, North Texas Food Bank Interfaith Advisory Council
2010 – 2013 – Member, International Feminine Leadership Research Group, Association for Global New Thought
2010 – 2013 – Ecclesiastical Representative for Service Area 4, United Centers for Spiritual Living
2010-2011 – Member, Organizational Design, Bylaws and Overview Modules for United
Centers for Spiritual Living and International Centers for Spiritual Living Integration
2010–2011 – Vice Chair, DFW Coalition, Bid Team, for hosting the Parliament of the World’s
Religions 2014 in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
2004-2008 – Member, Move Core, United Centers for Spiritual Living
2001-2004 – First Chair of the CORE Council, United Centers for Spiritual Living
2000-2001 – First Chair of the Nominating CORE, United Centers for Spiritual Living
2000-present – Member, Advisory Council, Association for Global New Thought
1998-2003 – Member, Thanksgiving Square, Interfaith Council, Dallas, TX
1998-2004 – Chair, Season for Nonviolence, Dallas, TX
1994-2000 – Ecclesiastical Representative and Vice President for the United Centers for Spiritual Living
1995-1998 – Member and Chair, Eastern Conference Annual Retreat, Atlanta, GA
1989-1990 – Member, International Board of Trustees, United Church of Religious Science
1987-1989 – Member and Chair, International Youth and Family Ministries, United Church of Religious Science
1985-1987 – Member, Board of Trustees, Y.E.S., Seattle, WA (Youth Eastside Services)
2011 – Received title of Pluralist and recognition for Interfaith and Peace work, Unity Day USA,
America Together Foundation
2004 – Exemplary Service as Chair of CORE Council, United Centers for Spiritual Living
2001 – Friend of Faith and Support, Masid al’Islam, Dallas TX
1996 – Inducted as Member of Phi Beta Kappa Society
1996 – Received First Place in Literature Category with “Heideggerian Hermeneutics applied to
Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood”
Presented at Texas A&M
2021 to present – Bi-monthly Articles for FYI50 Magazine, Dallas TX
2019 to present – 3-4 articles and occasional column annually for the Science of Mind Magazine
2018 – Diversity and Inclusion in Spiritual Community, 3 article series for Science of Mind Magazine
2017 – “7 Initiations of Spiritual Living Series, 7 article series for Science of Mind Magazine
2016 – Creating a Joyous Life – article for September Science of Mind Magazine
2014 – “Joyous Abundance Journal”, with Rev Dr Christian Sorenson, Park Point Press
2012 – “Joyous Living Journal”, with Rev Dr Christian Sorenson, Park Point Press
2010-present – Regular contributor to the “Law of Circulation” column in Science of Mind Magazine
2014 – 12 month Creative Thought Series “Joyous Living” with Dr Christian Sorenson
2009 – “Joyous Freedom Journal”, with Rev Dr Christian Sorenson, Park Point Press
“Spiritual Living in the Face of Paradox”, Science of Mind Magazine
“Our Children are Life’s Longing for Itself”, Science of Mind Magazine
2008 – “Growing Science of Mind in the Bible Belt”, Science of Mind Magazine
2007 – “In the Heart of God”, Meditation CD, with Rev. Dr. Michael Gott
1999-2000 – “UCSL Teen Curriculum – Virtues Project” International Youth and
Family Ministries, United Centers for Spiritual Living
1998-1999 – “UCSL Teen Curriculum – Peace Project” International Youth and
Family Ministries, United Centers for Spiritual Living
Research Conference. Received First Place in Literature
1995 – “Heideggerian Hermeneutics applied to Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of
Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” Phi Beta Kappa Journal, University of Dallas
1994 – “Buying a Life, Selling a Soul” Phi Beta Kappa Journal, University of Dallas
2006-2009 – Holmes Institute, Denver Region, Dallas Satellite
“Homiletics 1 & 2”
“Bible: Old Testament”
“Bible: New Testament”
“Spiritual Leadership”
“Church Management”
“Church Finance”
“Theology and World Religions”
“Teaching Science of Mind to the Adult Learner”
“Advanced Teaching Practicum”
“Ministerial Craftsmanship”
1984-2009 Abundant Life Church of Religious Science, Renton WA and Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas TX
“Emerson’s Essays and the Science of Mind”
“Metaphysical Bible and New Thought”
“Self-Esteem and Greater Living”
“Ernest Holmes, His Life and Times”
“Thomas Troward’s Writings”
“Communications and Relationship Building”
Leadership Series
“Values-Based Leadership”
“Leadership Styles”
“Conflict Management and Group Process”
Weekend Retreats, day-long workshops and individual classes too numerous to
1998-2000 International Youth and Family Ministries, United Centers for Spiritual
“UCSL Teen Curriculum – Virtues Project”
“UCSL Teen Curriculum – Peace Project”
1988-1996 – Ernest Holmes College, Seattle WA
“Pastoral Care”
“Spiritual Leadership”
“Church Management”
“Teaching Science of Mind to the Adult Learner”
“Advanced Teaching Practicum”
“Ministerial Craftsmanship”
“Senior Seminar”
Presentations and Trainings
2008 – Values-Based Leadership through the Dallas Women’s Museum for Executive Women
2000- present – Leadership trainings and Church Growth workshops and presentations at Centers
for Spiritual Living Convention, Annual Gatherings, United Centers for Spiritual Living Conferences
1984 – Present – Presentations and workshops at various annual conferences, including
Asilomar, CA; Eastern Conference, Atlanta, GA; Seabeck, Seattle, WA; National Teen
Camp, Colorado (too numerous to list) CSL Switzerland Conference, and AGNT Awakened World Conference, Italy.
1984 – Present – Board Retreats and Organizational Development Trainings with boards. Ministers and church leadership all around the country (too numerous to list)
Centers for Spiritual Living Curriculum personalized, updated and Presented
1984-present – Abundant Life Center, Renton WA, and CSLDallas, a Center for Spiritual Living,
Level One
SM 101 Foundations of Science of Mind
SM 102 Beyond Limits
Consciousness / Spiritual Practice
SM 202 Spiritual Practice for Daily Living
SM 203 Practical Mysticism
SM 204 Power of Your Word
SM 205 Meditation is More Than You Think
SM 206 Visioning
SM 212 Self Mastery
SM 213 Financial Freedom
SM 214 Principles of Successful Living
SM 215The Mind Body Connection
SM 216 Building a Healing Consciousness
SM 217 Journey of the Soul
SM 220 Roots
SM 221 Ernest Holmes – Life & Times
SM 222 Edinburgh Lectures
SM 223 Emerson’s Essays
SM 224 The Bible and New Thought
SM 225 The Essential Ernest
SM 226 Emma Curtis Hopkins
SM 227 From Whence We Came
SM 301 Inward Journey – Practitioner I
SM 302 Deep Mysticism
SM 401 Professional Practitioner 2
Fun Facts About Dr Petra
Spirituality, Science and Spirituality, Nature and the Environment, Traveling and Food, Art Museums, Theater, Dance and Music shows, Adventures
Countries Traveled
Australia, Austria, Bali, Belgium, Bangladesh, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States (42)
Inspiring Books
The Science of Mind – Ernest Holmes; The Nature of Personal Reality – Jane Roberts; The Corporate Mystic – Gay Hendricks, Kate Ludeman; A Room of One’s Own – Virgina Wolf; Original Blessings – Matthew Fox; No Boundaries and Boomeritis – Ken Wilbur; The Chalice and the Blade – Riane Eisler
Creative Expressions
Building, Collage, Gardening, Inspirational Writing, Painting, Pottery, Sewing, Song Writing
Have Questions for Dr Petra? I’d love to hear from you!

“What you are looking for, you are looking with and looking at…..Our mission is the glorification of the Soul…We are here to glorify the Soul.” – Ernest Holmes
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