Law of Mental Equivalents: Manifest More of the Life You Desire

Leap into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe, there is a corresponding mental image. Discover how to measure and expand thinking to create a larger mental image so that your greatest desires may manifest in your life.

The Law of Mental Equivalents is like a magnet that draws the exact thing you have deeply lodged in your subconscious mind to you. It never stops working, so the experience you are currently living is the equivalent of what you mentally picture of yourself at this moment deep within your own mind.

You have to make sure that your dreams are directly equal to the picture you hold of yourself deep in your subconscious mind. It means you have to do the necessary work to uproot the negative images of self that have been taking residence within, see yourself as that which you desire to be, and see yourself BEING IT NOW. Once you become it in mind and allow the thought and image of who you truly see yourself as to ferment within your own subconscious mind, you will begin to change the trajectory of your own experience to move in new directions to manifest that which you desire to experience.


Length of Class: 5 Weeks

Text Books: The Mental Equivalents by Emmet Fox

Tuition: $170.00

We recommend you first take Universal Spiritual Principles and Practices, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, or Foundations. This will better prepare you for the core concepts used in this course, but they are not required to take Level Two courses.

This is a  Science of Mind, LEVEL TWO Consciousness Course

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Tuesdays, Aug 13 - Sept 10, 2024

7:00 – 9:30pm CST

Online Only

Led by Christine Volkmer, RScP