Let me remember today, that Spirit is the living, breathing, loving essence which flows through all life. Spirit is the Source of the Life which beats at the heart of the Universe.

Let me remember today, that every person is a spark of the Divine, the Mystery of Life and Love, wanting to be lived as each one of us. We are all united in one common humanity, and one common love.

Let me remember today, those that have died, suffered and are wounded, for they are children of one humanity. Each is an infinitely, precious child of Life and I know that Love is wrapping healing arms, caring hearts and a peaceful presence around each and everyone.

Let me remember today, those that grieve over the losses they are suffering. I stand in loving, compassionate prayer, that comfort and love may bring forth the Presence of Peace in their lives.

Let me remember today, that hate and anger only fuel the cycle of fear and violence. Today I turn to the loving, compassionate Presence, to pray for the light to come to those who are filled with such greed for power and money, that they would be motivated to such an act. They too, are creations of the One Life.

Let me remember today, to refuse to be a place where fear, or anger, or hate can find a home. Today, I stand in the Truth, that we are one people, one world, one humanity, and that Love truly is the only answer.

Let me remember today, that the wisdom and divine intelligence of Spirit is present in all our leaders – military, political and others, guiding the hand of justice, that it may be sure and swift. Let me remember today that justice is never motivated by vengeance or fear.

Let me remember today, those brave souls who are giving their lives for others and those who toil so diligently to make a path for peace and democracy. May the strength and the fortitude of Spirit be their ever present companion.

Let me remember today, that life is precious, that each moment is an opportunity to Love, and each breath a blessing from Spirit. Let me remember today, that Love is the answer, and Peace is the way.

And So It Is! Amen

Rev. Petra Weldes