Our Story
CSLDallas is the oldest Center for Spiritual Living in Texas, offering meditation, metaphysics, and spiritual truth since 1963 to a growing, diverse population. In its long and varied history, CSLDallas has sprouted and supported spiritual communities all over the DFW Metroplex, as well as around the US and the world.
CSLDallas’ Dynamic Growth
Since 1998, with Dr Petra, CSLDallas has experienced dynamic growth from 20 people in 500 sq ft on Alpha Rd to a community of over 500 people in our current location plus a growing and vibrant online community of countless others. Our Youth and Family Ministry has grown from serving 1 child (Dr. Petra’s son) to 55 kids (ages 0-18). The CSLDallas Institute was created to provide inspiring and practical spiritual, leadership, and personal growth education through classes and workshops. CSLDallas has a huge commitment to Community Service and takes up several community service projects throughout the year. One project in particular is that we’ve adopted a local elementary school whereby we assist the children and their parents in various ways. We’ve raised money and adopted refugees from Katrina, sent glasses and money to Nepal, and adopted a teen shelter.
CSLDallas offers nationally acclaimed speakers such as Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Bob Proctor, Iyanla Vanzant, Alan Cohen, Mary Manin Morrissey, James Van Praagh, and along with up-and-coming authors and artists.
Building Our Space
When you enter CSLDallas, what you’ll see and feel, beyond the painted walls, is the love, joy, dedication, vision, intention and financial commitment of a community whose sweat, laughter, and unshakable belief fills every nook and cranny of our space. Anchored by altars around the building and crystals in the walls, the entire campus breathes love and acceptance.
The Center’s current home is a product of two major expansions. In 2005, with 3,000 volunteer hours by 300+ volunteers we took a leap and expanded into 15,000 sq. ft. here on Spring Valley. In 2016 we took another leap of faith, raised over $750,000 in our first ever capital campaign, and expanded another 9,000 sq ft, creating ample space for our growing youth program, education, incubation of non-profits and wellness partners, and a spiritual leader/ ministerial training. Alongside each other, we’ve bonded deeper as a family and infused the entire space with hope and love. This was done for those of us who are already here and for all you who are coming to join us. Welcome home!
Stained Glass Window in the Sanctuary

The stained glass windows located in the sanctuary were inspired by our Science of Mind Teaching Symbol and were envisioned by Practitioner Noreen Maulsby Judge for a previous location. Over thirty volunteers were mobilized to create the windows, only two of whom had ever done stained glass work before. The major criterion for the original installation of the windows was that they be movable. The windows were completed and dedicated in the Spring of 1996 and moved to their new location in May of 2005.
The “V” shape – from the teaching symbol used by Science of Mind is visible in the white arc. If completed, it would be part of a circle, 32 feet tall. That would make it the largest Science of Mind teaching symbol in the world.
Contact Us:
International Parkway
4801 Spring Valley Rd. Suite 115
Dallas, TX 75244