Social Distancing, Work from Home, Kids out of School – NOW WHAT?
Remember those long boring days of summer when you were a kid? Way before we had devices we could carry around with us and pull out at the drop of a hat and before 1000 TV channels and Netflix? My mother said to me, and I said to my son “Well if you’re bored I can put you to work? NO, well then this is called creative boredom.” And sure enough, we got super creative and so did my son – making forts, learning new things like playing guitar, talking and playing board games for hours, watching the birds and naming the flowers. So much that all of a sudden summer was over and we weren’t ready!
So – now is the time to get creative! Make lemonade with the lemon we are all dealing with. First – take care of your health, get plenty of rest and water, build your immune system. This means not being on your device or TV until all hours in the morning.
Second – get out that stack of books you have beside your bed and decide what order you are going to read them in.
Third – Get out the project you started but haven’t finished and make a list of all those fix it up tasks. Decide which ones you will take on and go get all your supplies in one trip.
Fourth – set a schedule for yourself and your kids – including chores, cleaning, fun time, quiet time, and family time.
Five – get out your old board games or cards. If you’re alone, find some folks to play with in real-time online or get together over zoom.
Six – Call and facetime family and friends. Reach out to people you haven’t seen in a while, maybe write a letter or thank you and birthday cards.
Seven – savor spring. Plant flowers, take walks, lay by the water, ride your bike, sit on the porch, or sing from the balcony (like in Italy!)
Eight – Snuggle, nap, rest, meditate, pray, do yoga, exercise.
Nine – Make meals from all the weird things in your pantry. Order take out. Rearrange your furniture, art or pictures. Redecorate. Paint a room.
Ten – Learn something new or practice something you don’t get to do enough of – like a craft or a language or music or learning code or how to build a website or how to finally figure out all the things your phone can actually do.
Eleven – Let go of resistance and anxiousness. Work with diligence, peace, and purpose. If you must work in the world, shield yourself with your spiritual armor of love and a deep belief in your health and wellbeing.
Twelve – wash your hands so you can keep making lemonade. Check out CSLDallas Facebook pages every day as we post uplifting and inspiring spiritual messages, music, articles, vlogs, and updates.