Current Opportunities to Serve

Service Production and Support

So much goes into our services so our community can commune and celebrate together. There’s always a place for you!

Sunday Production –

Do you see yourself as a leader who may do so from behind the scenes? Be one of our stage managers, overall coordination, and support for every detail of Sunday mornings. (Contact Rev Patti at

Sacred Space –

Create the feeling and the look of the sanctuary for services and celebrations – including cleaning, arranging, flowers, decorations and other special projects. (Contact Dr Petra at

Sound –

Assist in the sound booth Sundays and special events and services. (Contact Kirby at

PowerPoint –

Run the PPT, YouTube videos, and DVDs on Sundays and special events. Just point and click. (contact Nikki at

Zoom Tech Support –

Coordinate all aspects of Zoom technical support so that the facilitators and participants have an amazing and worry-free experience.  (contact Ryan at

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” – Rabindranath Tagore