June at CSLDallas
Pulled by Vision
“Pain pushes until vision pulls.” – Michael Beckwith
Where is your life going? How do you see the next few years unfolding? What do you imagine is possible for yourself and your life? These are powerful questions we need to ponder regularly in our lives. Now is a good time as we emerge from the isolation of the pandemic and begin reimaging our lives.
Our vision isn’t just something we necessarily visualize in images. It has as much to do with how we feel and sense ourselves growing, expressing, and experiencing life as it has to do with a particular form or outcome. We might capture this as a feeling tone or some words that capture a growing inner awareness of a new expression of life that is inviting us forward.
Download Our June Home Study Guide
Exploring our vision means we are no longer solely trying the heal, fix, or change something that we have carried from the past or in which we feel stuck in the present. It means we yearn for something more and are ready to step out towards it. This invites us to explore our values – what’s important in this stage or season of our life? What are our non-negotiables? Who do we want to become? How do we want to show up in alignment with our spiritual understanding and sense of who we are? These questions are all part of the process and provide the foundation for the new vision of our life.
We know that just as we do this work individually, humanity must do this collectively. Life on the planet as we know it is no longer sustainable. Along with increasing polarization, species extinction continued marginalization of so many, the lack of equity, and the widening gap of rich and poor, many have been moved to push us forward as the pain of this has propelled them out onto the streets and into the voting booths. Yet we see how easy it is to want to turn away from the doom and gloom and focus solely on our own lives.
What moves us forward collectively are the same questions that invite us personally to examine the vision we hold for our own future. What is our vision of a world that truly works, and works for ALL while continuing to create freedom for our individual lives to flourish? What values and principles would we base such a vision on? Science of Mind provides us with a “Declaration of Principles” and a “Global Vision” for a shared vision for the spiritual awakening of humanity.
This month we explore these foundational documents and open ourselves to a vision we may collectively hold for the future of humanity and for our home, planet Earth. Join us in this sacred work as we examine our values and invite a vision of wholeness and peace to bloom in our imagination. Then ask yourself “What do I need to become on the inside to believe that this vision is possible as an actualized reality in the world?”
Principles Of Successful Living Course
June 3, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pmTogether WE Thrived in 2020 – Recognition with Reception.
June 11, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm