
Latest Daily Words

Surprise yourself

Surprise yourself

Life is inviting you to grow and expand, to become more of yourself. So, try something new! Surprise yourself out of your own comfort zone by stretching into a new endeavor. Pretend that you are able to do this new thing. Open yourself to simply exploring and discovering without the need for it to be perfect or complete. You may be surprised by how much you enjoy it, get something out of doing it, or simply feel different because you are operating in a new arena. Remember, the Universe wants to express as you. It isn’t critiquing or expecting anything other than the experience itself. The Universe fully supports you in your exploration and discovery without requiring you to produce anything. So go ahead, surprise yourself! Try something new!



Self-reflection gives you the gift of awareness. Awareness gives you the gift of intention. Intention gives you the gift of choice. Choice gives you the gift of creation. Creation gives you the gift of expression.  Expression gives you the gift of experience. Experience gives you the gift of reflection. Reflection gives you the gift of seeing yourself. Everything begins and ends with self-reflection.

What’s your line?

What’s your line?

The Words you speak have power. They color the reality you perceive but more importantly, they shape the reality you create.  Listen to the way you describe your life and you will notice the ways you limit yourself. Practice speaking positive words. Practice speaking words of possibility and generosity. Every time you speak creative, expansive words you perceive life differently. More importantly, you shape reality in a new way.  Be conscious of the words you speak and take charge of your life.



Imagine that it’s true – you are the incarnation of Spirit. Listen to the great Wayshower and follow in his footsteps. Not to be “perfect” in some moralistic, human sense. But to be perfectly in alignment with the Spiritual Reality as the “Truth” about you and all of life. See with the clarity of vision that allows Love to see through egoic smallness. Hear with Love the desire each person has to belong and be more than they currently are. Feel with the heart of conviction that Truth is more powerful than lies. Know with spiritual wisdom that Life is eternal, that Love is infinite, and that Freedom is everyone’s birthright.

Family Stories

Family Stories

We carry with us the stories we heard as children. These become the storylines we play out in life, continuously recreating who did what to whom and who we can expect to be. The great news is these are only stories! And stories can be rewritten.  New stories are written from the spiritual truth – you are Spirit made manifest, Love in action, and powerfully creative. This is the only “Truth” about you. Everything else is the story YOU make up. So let’s make up great stories – about how much we contribute and how much we deserve. Let’s write new stories about how much we care for and about each other, and this gorgeous planet we all share. You are not your family stories. You are writing your own! Make it a great one!

Perceiving God’s Presence

Perceiving God’s Presence

Seeing with spiritual eyes means perceiving the Divine. Stop, today, and look, really look at people, at trees, at the sky. Look beyond the label and the form, and the things you know. Invite Life to shine through. Notice the sunlight on the leaves and how vibrant the colors are. Watch the clouds as they form and reform, while knowing behind them the sun is always shining. Look into the eyes of that person and remember they too were once someone’s child, and are a beloved incarnation on their own pathway to enlightenment. Your perception of everything as alive with Spirit, draws this reality into your awareness. The next thing you know, no matter where you look or what you are looking at, Love and Life will be peaking back at you.

The sin of perfectionism

The sin of perfectionism

Sin – to miss the mark.  Perfection – absolutely complete; to make (something) completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible.

You miss the mark in life if you believe the point is to be completely free of faults and defects. Your human experience is forever changing, evolving, and becoming more, out of the experiences of your past and your unique make-up. You are never going to be flawless or without faults from someone’s point of view. This is also true of everything you or someone else does. There will always be room for improvement or something that could have been done better. But the point isn’t to make it perfect! The point is to see yourself, others and everything you do as meaningful, rich, beautiful, and worthy of your time and attention. Otherwise, you are so busy seeking perfection that you miss what’s really going on. And missing the joy of life might be the only sin there actually is.

“Life isn’t a problem to be solved, it is something to be lived, experienced and enjoyed!”

Ready to Manifest?

Ready to Manifest?

The Universe is ready to support you. You get to decide the kind of life you want to experience by deciding what kind of person you are. You get to choose the life you want to express by choosing character, integrity, and possibility. The bigger you get on the inside, the bigger your life becomes! The more loving, peaceful,  and positive you are on the inside, the more the Universe reflects this back to you in ever increasing ways. The more you can imagine making of your life, the more you get to manifest! So dream big, embody your truest self, and imagine the life you want is your life NOW. Together, you and the Universe are unstoppable!

Rut Dwelling?

Rut Dwelling?

We love our comfort, don’t we? We get used to the pathways our lives take and we settle in.  Contentment is important and satisfaction is under-rated. But this isn’t an excuse for always staying with the known. Sometimes we have to break out of normal. This expands the horizon, causes us to pay attention a little bit more, and creates openings for magic and possibility. This is just the opening Life needs to invite us into a new perspective and to stretch us outside of our comfort zone. So, are you too comfortable in your rut these days? What are you doing to break out of the mold?

“Ships are safe in harbor but that’s not what ships are for!”

An Abundant Universe

An Abundant Universe

You live in an abundant Universe filled with Joy and Jove. This Love and Joy out-pictures in so many different ways – friends, fulfilling work, family, contribution, and home. You can’t buy these things, but you can have them all. These things manifest in your life as you become filled with Joy and Love and Abundance yourself.  As you know that this IS the Truth of who you are, you effortlessly manifest and attract as much Good as you can accept. You don’t get Joy and Love and Abundance. You have it because you embody it!

Try Something New

Try Something New

“The definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” For things to change, things must change. For life to become something different, you must try something new. Imagine a new way of doing or a new way of thinking or a new way of being. Imagine it, practice it, until it’s real to you, so real that you think of it and speak of it as if it were already so. Aha! Isn’t that how the Law works? Now you are no longer doing or being in the same old way. Now things can change. Now things will change. Go ahead, try something new!

Spiritual Attitude

Spiritual Attitude

“Our mental attitudes are our most priceless possessions. No material security is actually secure, but the deep issues of our thought can make or unmake us.”

“Jesus knew what we all must learn: that we cannot really have an attitude of dislike or hate or viciousness toward other people without robbing ourselves of the healing power and the comforting Presence and the Divine Assurance that the universe itself rests on the shoulders of Love.”

“This is the attitude we should assume, that life holds nothing against us. It desires only our good; it wants us to be well, happy, and successful, but it wants us to play the game of life the way it is supposed to be played — in unity and cooperation with others.”

 Dr Ernest Holmes

Taking Time to Play

Taking Time to Play

Play is doing something just for the fun of it. Play has no purpose or goal other than enjoyment and experience. with maybe some silliness thrown in. Play may be solitary or involve any number of people but it always takes time. Time to release the drive of work, improvement or accomplishment. Time to relax into the moment. Time to fool around with what’s possible. Time for laughter and time for fun.  This summer, promise yourself that you will take time to play. The whole Universe will smile when you do!

What is mine to do?

What is mine to do?

When you are confronted with this question – whether at home, at work, or in any civic arena remember that you are here for a reason and a purpose – to express life, love, creativity, and joy. Your life is yours, not someone else’s. Your gifts are needed in the world. Your presence makes a difference. What is yours to do? Be the best you that you can be and help others do the same, in whatever manner is consistent with your gifts and talents. Expand your life and your viewpoint to include all the places where you are called on to see more and be more. Then give from the overflow to those who can’t see it for themselves.

Stay in your own lane

Stay in your own lane

Can you imagine leaning out of the window of your car and grabbing the steering wheel of the car next to you? What a crazy idea. Yet how often do we try to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do, or direct their actions and choices from our point of view? “Stay in your own lane, in your own car, driving your own self” is one of Iyanla Vanzant’s favorite sayings. She reminds us to stop being so interested in what other people are or aren’t doing, and pay attention to our own lives. Being about what others are doing is a great distraction to having to pay attention to what we ourselves are doing. So stay in your lane…do your own work…be about your own healing and growth….and let others do the same.  It’s a saner and healthier way to drive through life, and you are much more likely to get wherever you are going. and surprisingly enough, so are they!