Book Club

Meeting Day: Meets biweekly on Sundays

Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Online Only via Zoom

Purpose of Circle:  To come together as a community and keep each other encouraged to remain grounded spiritually. 

Description of the Circle: Our Circle of Life is a book and discussion group. We select books that focus on using Spiritual Practices and principles. Each session we dive in further together and explore the thoughts and meaning behind the text.


During our Meeting:  

  • We encourage everyone to join. Having read the book is not a requirement. 
  • We will read a chapter together every time we meet. 
  • Open discussions will be with the total group.  
  • Each meeting we will read a chapter and the moderator will guide the conversation about that book chapter we read.   

Please reach out to the Circle Leader for virtual meeting information.

Circle Leader: Wilene Dunn |


Contact The Circle Leader

Wilene Dunn