Be one with Love, be one with Light, be one with the Divine!
Christmas Eve is a celebration of the ongoing birthing of love and light, incarnated as you and me.
Christmas Eve is a Christian Holiday that is embedded deep in our family and cultural roots. It is also a powerful reminder of what we practice at CSLDallas. On this Holy Night, we embody the Master Teacher’s reminder that the “”Kingdom of Heaven is within you!”” We don’t have to become One with the Infinite Life, we have to remember that we already are the One Infinite Life, expressing uniquely and perfectly through each of us.
The Science of Mind is synthesized from many channels, and this year we incorporate Hanukah and Kwanzaa into this festival of Love and Light. Our roots run deep in ancient mystical wisdom while our branches rise to the farthest reaches of new thinking in science, psychology, spirituality, and consciousness. Just as the mystics taught we are ONE, so quantum physics is discovering that the Universe and everything in it are actually all ONE. This One is the field of Consciousness from which all life springs, the source from which Life is birthing itself into creation, over and over again. Every ritual during this time reminds us, we are love and light and ONE!
With an inspirational message, special music, along with ancient and modern rituals we come together in a sacred community, to be one with each other, in one human family, as one expression of Consciousness. Bring the whole family.
Child Care for children under 5.
Followed by Cider and Cookies.
We will also be livestreaming the entire celebration.