If, then, we believe God is substance, God is food, God is shelter, God is happiness, God is life, and we wish to enjoy and experience that life which God is, we must claim for ourselves everything that we claim for God. For we and God are one. The mind by which we think is God. Ernest Holmes
Claim your prosperity, abundance, and joy! Wishing and hoping for it simply aren’t enough. Begin with realizing and knowing that you live in an abundant universe—this is a good place to start. Knowing that you are part of that same universe is the next step. The final step is to claim the abundance in consciousness, accepting it in your mind and heart as true for you. You make this claim because you now sense and feel what the Master Teacher Jesus reminded us: “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” You are already in and a part of this Abundant universe. Now stake your claim to your experience of your birthright!
Spiritual Contemplation: What helps you feel the Abundance of the Universe? How do you sense yourself as part of this same Abundance? Is there anything that keeps you then, from claiming that this abundance is also yours?
Affirmation: The Universe is flowing with Abundance. I am a part of it all. I claim my place and my abundance in this ever-flowing River of Life.
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