
Latest Daily Words

Powerful Intentions

Powerful Intentions

You are not here to suffer, endure, be put to the test, or even to learn. You are here to create and express Life, as you. Set your intention to be the best you can be. Create the biggest life you can imagine. Contribute outrageously to a meaningful life. This is your birthright. This is your reason for being. The power of this intention is huge because it is completely in alignment with Life Itself. Set your most powerful intention to flourish and grow and watch the whole universe unfold in your favor!

The Crucible of Trust

The Crucible of Trust

Every relationship is an opportunity to grow. It is a crucible in which your patterns are revealed and a fire in which all that is false can burn away. To walk into this fire requires trusting the Universe that you are right where you are for this very liberation. The fire consumes every pattern you are willing to bring to the surface, every false belief you are willing to confront in yourself, and every projection you are willing to recall home to yourself. Trust the fire. Trust yourself. Trust the crucible. You shall come through it liberated and free!

Interdependence and compassion

Interdependence and compassion

You are One with Spirit, with Creation, with all of life, and with all people. This Oneness is a profound interdependence between all the forms that Spirit takes to express Its Infinite Self. So you have come to see that when any one aspect of the ONE is hurt or uncared for, it’s as if it is done to you. This is why all spiritual traditions and philosophies have some version of the Golden Rule because that “other” is part of the same Self that is you. Recognizing this interdependence is the heart opening with compassion for others as they seek to express life and for all creation as the expression of Spirit Itself. Compassion will be your guide as you seek your way of relating to and caring for those around you and for the earth itself.

Feelings and Friends

Feelings and Friends

When you feel sad, overwhelmed, abandoned, or alone remember that you are surrounded by Infinite Support, Love, and Presence. The Universe cannot abandon you and It is never overwhelmed. Then reach out for a hand… from a beloved, from a friend, or family member who you know will reach back to take it. This is the way the Absolute, Unconditional Love of the Universe shows up in tangible, physical form. Don’t be afraid to feel or share your feelings with someone you trust to hold you in the Light of Truth while allowing you to be right where you are. You will be lifted up and Light will shine right into the very place that was feeling dark. You are never alone.

Healing and Wholeness

Healing and Wholeness

Do you know you can be healthy and whole without being perfect? The form of your body or your life doesn’t have to be “perfect” according to anyone else’s idea to be whole and healthy.  Whole means to be integral to itself, all of one piece, nothing left out. This is true whether you are missing a limb, missing a talent, or missing a happy childhood. Nothing is left from the Truth of you, from the Joy of you, from the Beauty of you. You are already Wholly yourself and becoming more so every day.

Safe & Friendly Universe?

Safe & Friendly Universe?

“The most important question you can ever ask is if the world is a friendly place.” Albert Einstein

Yes, you have had experiences that validate your fear that you are less than, don’t belong, or aren’t safe.  Individuals and society may have shown you the underside of humanity. But you have also had experiences of belonging, connection, protection, and validation. Whatever you decide about the Universe will be reflected back to you and you will continue to collect evidence in favor of your belief. Start today believing that you live in a safe Universe. Start by discovering a new idea about God, Life, the universe and your place in it, from a spiritual point of view. Then begin collecting evidence of all the ways, places and times that this has been true-  in your life, in the lives of those you know,  and in the inspirational life stories of others. If its true for them it is most certainly also true for you. Now set about making that your experience no matter who you are and what is in your past. Yes, you do live in a safe universe.

Evolving Love

Evolving Love

Intimate Love, romantic love, isn’t just for teenagers or newlyweds. Growing in Love, allowing it to evolve through the joys and challenges of your relationship is the crucible in which your heart is purified, your vision cleared, and your consciousness lifted. Allowing Love to lead the way teaches you to focus on what works, what is good, and what is holy (wholly present) in another. This evolving Love becomes the lens through which you see not only your partner but the other people in your life. Ultimately it shows you how to love the world and everyone one in it.

Choose Love

Choose Love

“Love is within us. It cannot be destroyed. It can be ignored. To the extent that we abandon love we will feel it has abandoned us. Denying love is our only problem, and embracing it is the only answer. Through the power of love, we can let go of past history and begin again.  Love heals, forgives, and makes whole.”  Ernest Holmes

Make Love a home in your heart. Love will find its way into your life in joy-filled and unexpected ways and you will bring Love to every situation you meet. Choose Love today.

Fierce Love

Fierce Love

The Universe is Love moving as Life, your life. Every action, decision, word, and thought is an opportunity for Love to enter a challenging situation or a divided circumstance. This is a powerful Love, that lifts and heals. It is a fierce Love that sees Spirit, speaks Truth, and stays Connected. Fierce Love is a crucible which burns away illusions, projections, and separation. Every time you stand on the high ground of Spiritual Truth, you bring Love into Reality.

Infinite Energy & Vitality

Infinite Energy & Vitality

There is no weariness.
Mind and Spirit do not become tired nor weary, and I am Mind and Spirit.
The flesh cannot become weary, since it has no mind of its own.

I am free from all illusions of weariness.
My whole being responds to the thought of Life.
I am alive with the Great Vitality of the Spirit.

I am alive with Spirit.

Ernest Holmes

Present to Joy

Present to Joy

Life is fulfilling Itself in you and expressing Itself as you. Joy is the birthright of every human being. This includes you. Nothing can take your joy. No one can disturb your joy. Let your joy lead you to people, circumstances, and ideas that are in alignment with joy. There is nothing in Spiritual Truth that stands against you and your Joy.

Good for Me, Good for All!

Good for Me, Good for All!

“There is Good in the Universe and I ought to have it” Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Living really should be without struggle and always with enthusiasm. Humans exist that Life may operate through us and express Itself in us. We should think of the Divine Presence as infinite joy, beauty, and wisdom, and have gratitude for It. We should think of the Law of Good as being infinite in Its capacity, and willing to create anything that is good.”  Ernest Holmes

“Life is an eternal givingness, the offering of the cosmic Self to the joy of Its own fulfillment. You are I are part of this joy and we find fulfillment only as this joy passes through us to others. Everything moves in circles. We short-circuit our own good when we refuse to pass it on.”  Ernest Holmes

Have to…Get to…Choose to…

Have to…Get to…Choose to…

How often do you say “I have to”  do something? This moves you out of the driver’s seat of your life and keeps you from taking responsibility for what is going on. “I get to” helps you remember that life is a gift and a blessing. Everything you do is part of the larger expression of being alive.  However the most powerful statement is “I choose to”…brush my teeth, answer my email, take care of the kids, go to work. ‘I choose to’ reminds you that everything in your life is the product of the choices you have made.  When you are doing that thing you don’t really like, remember that you choose it. Sometimes you chose it directly and sometimes you chose it because it’s in service to something larger or more important, like feeding your family or taking care of your health. This realization – “I choose to” –  changes everything. Change every ‘I have to” to “I choose to” and see how dramatically your life changes!

Baptism by water and by fire

Baptism by water and by fire

You are baptized by water and by fire in your spiritual journey. Baptism by water reminds you of the pure essential nature that is the truth of your being. It cleanses away false beliefs and clears the veil between you and your Self.  Baptism by fire is the crucible in which your character is tempered into the strength needed to practice every-day living in alignment with who you truly are. Baptism by water includes both tears and joy. Baptism by fire includes both discipline and flexibility. Welcome the fire, embrace the water. Become the best Self you can be!

No Boundaries in Consciousness

No Boundaries in Consciousness

There is no wall where the individual stops and the Universal starts. You are ONE. The Universe is ONE. To say you are one with the Universe is as incorrect as saying you are one with yourself or your thumb is one with you. Your thumb is you, a part of you, and while you can speak about it as if it were something separate, it is not actually separate from you.  This is as true for you and the Universe as it is for you and your thumb. You and the Universe are ONE.  So there are no boundaries between you and your inspiration, you and Divine Love, you and Cosmic Intelligence, or you and Abundance, Health,  or Joy. You are ONE with All That Is!