October at CSLDallas
2020 Vision
Believing Is Seeing – Seeing Is Believing
Prosperity, Abundance, Money, and Wealth – these words carry a lot of weight and meaning – some good, some not so great. We can have a love/hate relationship with money, a belief that it is actually more spiritual to be poor, or an uncertainty about how to enjoy prosperity without simply being consumers. Some of us are wealthy and financially free and suffer the jealousy of others while some are struggling with paying the bills and wonder what’s wrong with their consciousness. Some of us have money and still feel anxious about our security while others don’t have all that much yet lead lives that feel abundant and full. What a tangled mess!
Science of Mind teaches that we live in an abundant Universe and that we deserve to be abundantly supplied with the fulfilling lives we desire. What that abundant life looks like to each of us is entirely of our own making. It doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, and it certainly isn’t about getting more stuff than we think will make us happy. There is enough for everyone to have a fulfilling, meaningful life, and everything that allows us to express who we have come here to be, is a part of that abundance.
Science of Mind also teaches specific laws and tools with which you create and manifest the prosperity and financial freedom that is your birthright as an individualized expression of the Divine, Infinite One. You can have the life you desire! Every Sunday we will show you how to use the tools and practice applying the principles for your good and the good of others.
This month is dedicated to your prosperity as we dive into the Principles and Practices of creating a financial freedom and personal prosperity to support a full and meaningful life. We are using Dennis Merritt Jones’ book The Art of Abundance – Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life. It’s an engaging and inspiring read as we walk the path to greater wealth, at every level of our lives, together.
Book of the Month
The Art of Abundance, Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life by Dennis Merritt Jones
A life of wholeness and purpose are well within our reach–The Art of Abundance outlines ten rules, or practices, that lay the foundation for a life worth living.
Whether we’re striving for a new job, a higher salary, or a stronger relationship, Dennis Merritt Jones explains in The Art of Abundance that we all essentially want the same things: freedom, inner peace, and a life filled with purpose and meaning. He argues that a life of wholeness and peaceful satisfaction is readily available to us–we just need the eyes to see it and the faith to claim it. The problem is that most people don’t know where to look for such a life. This book will help readers open their eyes to the limitless abundance that lies waiting just beyond their current belief system.
In The Art of Abundance, Jones identifies ten rules, or practices that, when followed faithfully, lay the foundation for a life worth living. In order to make each rule as easy to apply as possible, Jones lays out the premise, the problem, the principle, the practice, and the payoff of each. These practices assist readers in creating a greater flow of goodness into their lives–in ways they may have never considered.

CSL Dallas
October 6, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pmNature Circle Hiking at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney
October 12, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pmErnest Holmes Life and Times Course
October 22, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pmFUN FALL GOLF OUTING
October 27, 2019 @ 1:00 pm