October at CSLDallas
Ignite your Life by setting your Prayer on Fire!
The most significant contribution Science of Mind makes to spirituality is a deep understanding of the power of Prayer, what makes an effective prayer, and why prayer works sometimes and not others. This understanding of prayer is embedded in our understanding of the Nature of Reality, the impulse of Love to express through the Universal Laws of Creation. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind, studied prayer spiritually, philosophically, and psychologically. He was most significantly interested in the answer to the question, “Why are some prayers answered and not others?”
We have learned that the answer to this question lies in the depth of our understanding of the Nature of Reality coupled with our conviction that we can use Universal Laws to co-create. In other words, our beliefs about Life added to our awareness that everything needed for Life is eternally and everywhere presence multiplied by our acceptance of the desired manifestation is what determines whether a prayer is answered or not. Out of all the study and this answer came the idea of our primary spiritual practice – Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Spiritual Mind Treatment is a specific spiritual technology designed to align our awareness with Spiritual Truth, awaken our experience of that Truth, and manifest that Truth in our everyday lives. Spiritual Mind Treatment is like taking a pill for your doubts and fears and going to therapy to grow consciousness. It is the art of awareness and the science of inducing belief. We use Spiritual Mind Treatment to heal, change and create intentionally and specifically in the physical world and in our lives. Nothing is too big or too small.
The ongoing, regular practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment will, in addition, deepen our consciousness and create a lived experience of the Nature of Reality, cosmic consciousness, and our alignment with Love and Truth.
You can learn the methodology, the steps, of a Spiritual Mind Treatment in a few short hours and begin applying it in your life right away. This is a significant piece of what we teach in our classes and what our book of the month, 5 Steps to Freedom by Dr John Waterhouse, is all about.
When you practice Spiritual Mind Treatment for a lifetime, you discover that it continually takes you deeper into Truth, Presence, Joy and Love. So let’s Ignite Our Lives by setting our Prayers on Fire with the spiritual conviction that it can and does work for each and every one of us.
5 Steps to Freedom
Spiritual Mind Treatment is a five-step mental and spiritual thought process that first redirects harmful thinking patterns away from the problem, then places the mind in total alignment with the divine Mind through the use of self-affirming terms. In this book, each step is carefully considered followed by exercises that develop the personal application and expression of that step. FIVE STEPS TO FREEDOM introduces Spiritual Mind Treatment an integral part of the New Thought way of life in terms that help the beginner transition from praying the traditional one-way method, to personally directing the process on a positive course of action. This proactive method of prayer looks at life with a new set of eyes, reinforcing the personal relationship with God from a fresh perspective and a new understanding.

CSL Dallas
Healing the Consciousness of Racism in America: Tuesday, October 2 @ 2:00pm
Spiritual Practices For Daily Living – Evening Class: Thursday, October 4 @ 7:00pm
Friday Night Lights – Drum Circle: Friday, October 5 @ 7:00pm
Adventures in Spirit Community Luncheon: Sunday, October 7 @ 12:00pm
Spiritual Fitness Class: Tuesday, October 9 @ 7:00pm
Friday Night Lights – Sacred Circle Dances: Friday, October 12 @ 7:00pm
New Member Class: Sunday, October 14 @ 12:00pm
The Open Door ~ Live DJ – Free Drinks – Engaging Dialogue: Friday, October 19 @ 7:30pm
Friday Night Lights – Taize Meditation: Friday, October 26 @ 7:00pm