Rev Marsha Meghdadpour, Active Retired Minister
Rev. Marsha began her service ministry in 1995, after nearly 30 years in corporate leadership. Her background includes teaching, finance, marketing, planning, organizing and the implementation of IT systems. But she says her most heartfelt and sincere accomplishments occurred as she began her service in Science of Mind ministry. She’s the founding minister of the Center for Spiritual Living, Boulder Valley (2000) that continues to be a thriving community outside Denver Colorado. Rev. Marsha previously served as an Assistant Minister at CSLDallas from 2005-2012, where she coordinated the Education Department, Pastoral Care, Special Events, SSM and more, before leaving to travel and serve as a CSL Interim Minister from 2012-2016. She then returned to Dallas as an Active Retired Minister in support of the HeartSpace Spiritual Center before bringing her love and passion back to serve CSLDallas as Sacred Service Ministry Director, voluntarily.
Besides her service orientation, she is a loving communicator who brings that love into her passion for cooking and celebrating in groups regardless of the reason or purpose for gathering. Where 2 or more are gathered, you may find Rev. Marsha. She brings her compassionate heart, and her intelligent and open mind to additionally be in service to the Centers for Spiritual Living as a member of the Retired Ministers Committee that reaches out and has communication with fellow retired ministers.
As well as her love of community, she has actually landed back in Dallas as a result of her 2 children, who live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. And more specifically her 3 grandchildren who are now teenagers. She knows her life is prosperous and thriving when she shares her time with her children and grandchildren. Rev. Marsha lives in Plano, with her dog Peanut, where she also serves the residents of The Village at Prestonwood, a 55+ community. She established the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Committee to support her fellow Village People when their extended needs occur.
Rev. Marsha is all about serving and she said she’s happy to be serving our beloved community of CSLDallas, a Center for Spiritual Living. Rev. Marsha may be reached at either or or 469-835-9678.
Many years ago, Rev. Marsha took up this mantra she created in the On Course class,
“To BE Love, To SEE Love and To EXPRESS Love.”
Want to Contact Rev Marsha? We’d would love to hear from you!
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