Christopher J. Miller, RScP

I know that we are all connected through one Divine Intelligence. That intelligence flows through all of creation, and we are individualized expressions of that Divine Intelligence. We express that intelligence through love, abundance, inclusivity, passion, creativity, forgiveness, and gratitude. We co-create through cause and effect and the automatic action of the Law.
As a practitioner, I see Divinity in everyone I meet. As a Licensed Spiritual Coach, I help others recognize their Divinity and remember the spiritual truth in any challenging situation. We are One. We are Whole. We are cherished in Spirit.
My mission is to assist others in uncovering their unique manifesto and living life fully. I do this by revealing their thinking, from thoughts to beliefs to behaviors to habits through their lives’ out-picturing. By applying Spiritual Truths, we create a new reality.
According to Ernest Holmes, “It is done unto us as we believe by a Power greater than we are. We do not put creativity into It any more than we energize energy. We take it out. We use this Power, and It operates upon us as we use It. Therefore, we should pay attention to what we are believing and watch our own thought processes.”
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