Power of Decision

Do you create intentions but don’t follow through? 

Or maybe you set intentions but don’t understand why they don’t manifest? 

Are you ready to co-create something new? 

There is a gap between intention and decision that makes all the difference in the world. There are many reasons, spiritually, personally, or even culturally why we don’t make decisions. We may even believe that making a decision somehow limits our options. 

Yet deciding is the focusing agent and the act that moves us forward. Without it, everything stays in the realm of possibility. Nothing moves forward into co-creation. 

“Indecision is actually the individual’s decision to fail.” 

  • Raymond Charles Barker 

This powerful experience with Rev Karen empowers you to make decisions and act on them – decisions that enhance the quality of your life. In this interactive workshop you will: Examine myths and false beliefs about deciding. 

What is holding you back from your decision on your greatness?

“Explore the value of Decision Making in your life Discover the areas in your life that need you to make a decision Be Inspired to move forward in areas you’ve felt stuck “A problem can’t be solved at the level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place.” 

  • Albert Einstein 

Decide to be Happy, Live Richly, be Healthy, be Creative, and more!


Facilitator Bio: Rev Karen Fry has a genuine love for all of life and meets people exactly where they are. She leads with her heart and is willing to be vulnerable and real. 

Her enthusiasm is infectious and her authenticity is definitely noticeable. She invites you into your own magnificence and power; she will not let you play small. Karen is definitely known for her enthusiasm, inspirational speaking, and prosperity consciousness. 

She is committed to living an abundant life and teaching others how to do the same. She loves to invite you to go for your highest potential – to move from limitation to limitless – and often incorporates extreme spirituality for transformation; such as walking on fire and breaking boards with your hand.

Length of Class: 2 hours

Tuition: $79

Text Books: The Power of Decision – Raymond Charles Barker

We recommend you first take Universal Spiritual Principles and Practices, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. This will better prepare you for the core concepts used in this course, but they are not required to take Level Two courses.

This is a  Science of Mind, LEVEL TWO Consciousness Course


June 9th 1pm - 3pm