
Latest Rituals and Ceremonies

Honoring two Licensed Practitioners for their long-term service

Honoring two Licensed Practitioners for their long-term service

We are excited to celebrate the longevity of two of our Licensed Practitioners! Sherry Wood has been a Licensed Practitioner for 10 years and receives her 10-year Service Pin. Sandra Francis has been a Licensed Practitioner for 20 years and receives the high honor of being named Practitioner Emeritus. We are extremely blessed by the Presence and Powerful Prayers and Service that these two women bring to everyone in our community.

Rev Karen Fry’s Ordination Ceremony

Rev Karen Fry’s Ordination Ceremony

Enjoy the most sacred moment in that life of a minister – her ordination. With special guests and an singing ensemble, this video comes with a warning – you’ll need tissues.

New Practitioners Installation

New Practitioners Installation

We celebrate seven newly Licensed Practitioners as we install them as Spiritual Coaches and welcome them into our existing Practitioner Core.

Rev. Patti’s Installation

Rev. Patti’s Installation

Rev. Patti Generes is celbrated and installed as our new Assistant Minister as Director of Small Groups Ministry.

Dr. Petra Weldes receives the Ernest Holmes Award

Dr. Petra Weldes receives the Ernest Holmes Award

Dr Kenn Gordon, Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living confers the Ernest Holmes Award on Dr Petra in the Salt Lake City 2015 Spiritual Living Convention. Dr Petra casts a powerful vision for Science of Mind in the world.